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Talit y Torá

Parasha HaShabua
פָּרָשַׁת בְּשַׁלַּח

Parashá Beshalaj

- 7 de febrero 2025 -


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Beshalaj | Cuando envió
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1: Shemot 13:17-14:8
2: Shemot 14:9-14
3: Shemot 14:15-25
4: Shemot 14:26-15:26
5: Shemot 15:27-16:10
6: Shemot 16:11-36
7: Shemot 17:1-16

Maftir: Shemot 17:14-16

Haftarah: Shoftim 5:1-31

Código Real: Hilel (Lucas) 10:1-11:54

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AniAMI Internacional 2022

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